Our bundle of energy, full of joy, spitfire little girl is 3!
It has been big year for her. She has grown "big and strong". Two was a fun age but also filled with a lot of goodbyes. We said goodbye to the crib, soother, bottles and afternoon naps. Grace grew up a lot in height and also with her development. She is a talking machine. She tells wonderful stories and it is fun to hear her verbalize what is going on in her head. There is no height too high for Grace and her climbing and balance is wonderful. Grace has developed her creative side and the fridge is filled with lovely creations.
Grace blesses us in incredible ways each day. She challenges us to be more patient, kind, creative and joyful. She never settles for ordinary she works until everything is extraordinary. This year promises to hold many more adventures for us and I am excited to see what is in store for our little princess.
Happy Birthday miss Grace. We are so thankful for you... Our precious gift. We are excited to see you thrive as a 3 year old as you test new limits and accomplish new things. Never forget how much we love you!
Thank you to all of you who have joined us in the adoption journey, and as you celebrate today with us.