Thursday, 20 September 2012


One of the things we have encountered since we have been home is lots of questions.  We are happy to answer your questions and hope that you always feel comfortable asking. However in my sleep deprived state I am not always the most eloquent, and this my attempt to give you some real answers other than "yes" "no" or " Grace is great, thanks"

1.  Does Grace speak Chinese?  or Does Grace understand english?
    My witty Husband will tell you that Grace says Dadda in english but says Momma in Taiwaneese ( she is actually saying Dadda and to Ryan especial when she is mad at me, but has yet to give me a name).   In all honesty I have no idea if Grace is speaking Chinese, Taiwaneese or English.  She has been exposed to many languages.  I do know she recognizes when someone is speaking Chineese to her, but I do not know if she understands.  She does understand english as she is very aware of what "NO" means, "take that out of your mouth" and "Grace"

2.  Has Grace adjusted? Is she bonded?
    Grace has begun the bonding process.  She knows who her Mommy and Daddy are and when she is home.  She has got over jet lag, and I believe she is starting to adjust to this new life we have thrust her into.  Ryan and I are still very careful to let Grace process the new situations she is in.  We have asked that people respectfully not pick her up, especially in environments with lots of people as this is quite uncomfortable for Grace.  In the last couple of weeks Grace has started to act a little bit shy and curl into my arms, when she meets someone new.  This is a great sign that she is understanding that I am her mommy and she does not have to go to just anyone.  We know that the bonding process will be ongoing.  We are still not ready or comfortable leaving Grace with anyone just yet, she understands that if I leave a room I will come back, but I am not ready to trial if I leave her with someone else that she will understand that I am coming back. 

3.  Grace doesn't look "Asian" why is her skin so dark?
     Grace's heritage is Native Taiwaneese.   Her skin color and features reflect her heritage.   I am thankful that Grace is happy and healthy and of course I think she is incredibly beautiful.  

4.  So how did you pick Grace?
    We did not "pick"Grace.  The wonderful team at His Hands picked us for Grace.  They prayed for wisdom on who God wanted to raise this little girl, and we were chosen off of the waiting list for Grace.

5.  Have you started your next adoption?
    No we have not.  
Well why not it took you 2 years for this adoption whats the wait? 
  There a few reasons why we have not started the process for the next adoption. We still have some paperwork that we need to finish up for Grace.  (We have had to apply for her Saskatchewan Health Card, and now are in the process of changing Grace's name, once that is complete we need to tackle citizenship. )  Adoption takes a lot of mental, emotional and physical time, even in the very early stages. We want to focus on  enjoying this moment with Grace and celebrating each day with her.  If we choose to do international adoption again there is a significant cost, this is something we will have to consider before we start the process as we need to have the finances in place for each stage.  We do hope to expand our family again, and we are aware that adoption can be a very lengthly process, however we are trusting and relying on God for his guidance and wisdom.  When we feel His leading we will gladly start the adoption process for whatever country He has in store. 

6. What do you know about Grace's biological parents?
   We are blessed to know a little bit about Grace's story.  This is something we have chosen to tell Grace when is ready and wants to know.  If she choses to share her story with others at that time we will support her.  However I am very aware that this is not my story to tell, this is Grace's and she needs to be the one to share the information.  I hope I have not offended anyone who has asked me this question.  I am working very hard to give NO information, it is not that I do not trust you, or  that I am ashamed, I truly believe that it is important for Grace to be able to share this information if and when she chooses... again this is not my story to tell.  One thing I am working on is doing a scrapbook, with that information for her, so that I do not forget any of it, and when she is ready we can go through the pages and talk about it ( this is not an easy thing, as I am NOT a scrapbooker) 

7.  Do you like being a Mommy?
   Yes I do like being a Mom.  I am the first one to tell you that my days are not perfect.  I do not wake up looking like a million bucks and smelling like roses.  Usually I am stumbling out of bed because my daughter is unhappy and crying.  My days are chaotic and my house is a disaster.  However I love the feeling of making Grace laugh, I like learning what she finds silly.  I love watching her smile and get excited when someone special walks through the door.  I am in awe of the responsibility before me as I rock her to sleep at 3am after she has had a little snack.  I am proud when I see that she has mastered how to climb onto something  even though she shouldn't be there.  I laugh when she pinches me, because I am not feeding her fast enough.  I smirk at the look I get when I catch her in the act of doing something naughty ( cleaning the toilet with mommies tooth brush, licking all the rocks that she has taken out of the bamboo plant)   I have been surprised by this questions... maybe I didnt seem like stay at home mom material?  Maybe people are worried about me and checking in to make sure I am not checking on the return policy for this child?  Being a mom is a gift, one that I will not take for granted.... I am so blessed to have a sleeping angel on my lap right now.  

There has been many other questions and I hope there are more to come, but for now I hope this give you some answers to the most common questions we have been answering.  
sleeping beauty

sticky messy popsicle

Sunday, 9 September 2012


Its been 5 weeks since we arrived home, and wow the time has flown by!  I often think of our neglected blog, but the pitter patter of little feet remind me there is no time to sit down and write, there is a little girl climbing on something, or putting something in her mouth that doesn't belong there.

That sweet little girl is occupied beside me with her breakfast, so I am going to attempt to write a quick update on our life as a family of 3!

The last month at home has been a whirlwind.  We have been blessed to have seen so many of our family the last month.  Grace has been able to meet many of her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  We were blessed with 3 baby showers that filled Grace's closet with enough clothes till she goes to Kindergarten! We have taken a couple of quick trips out of town for a multitude of reasons, all of which include great memories!  This past weekend we finally had the opportunity to celebrate a new milestone in Mom's life.  We were blessed to be surrounded by family and friends for the weekend, and what sweet memories we have from our time with everyone!  

Along with all of our fun, we have the day to day adjustments.  This has not been as smooth of a process.  We survived jet lag, got over our colds from the airplane, the change in climate ( our poor little girl.... even our summers are nothing compared Taiwan).  We are learning to survive with a lot less sleep, teething ( OUCH) eating, getting dressed everyday (boy oh boy that can be hard somedays)... I am sure you get the picture.

I had a few expectations buried in the back of my mind about how life would be like when we got home.  I was going to be super mom, have a meal on the table, laundry folded and put away and floors scrubbed each day.  Not to mention my daughter would sleep through the night, I would be up before her have exercised and done my devotions before she even started to stir for the day.... 

I had no idea I had so many expectations until I was home and realized I was not meeting a single one of them.  It occurred to me after a couple of sleepless nights that my life was not going to be picture perfect.  I was going to be the mom with huge bags under her eyes, who was lucky to get a shower in that week ( am I wearing deodorant????? ) Supper???? are you kidding!?!?! 

Thankfully I have been able to slowly work through the expectations I have placed on myself and have been enjoying each crazy moment with our little energizer bunny!  Our house may not be clean, but Grace has been fed, played with, sung to, read to, redirected from the toilet paper, gone for a walk or wagon ride and begged to just close her eyes for a couple of minutes of sleep.  I am currently trying for the world record of quickest shower, and I do believe that I will get there someday soon!  

I feel like we are finally settling into life at home,  I can not remember what the house sounded like without Grace in it.  Our little girl is 10 months old!  She takes a couple more steps everyday, but still prefers to have something to hang onto when she walks.  She has 5 teeth and 2 more that keep playing peekaboo (ARGGGGG)  she needs the least amount of sleep of anyone I have ever met.  She is very happy, and very chatty.  She likes to smile and her laugh is music to the soul.  She loves to make noise, and you can often find her at the piano on her tip toes to stretch and play the keys.  She is tough and rough, Grace's first big word just might be "gentle".

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us, and encouraging us!  We have been blessed with so much support and help from our family!  We are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people!

playing with Willy early in the morning

just back from a wagon ride

swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool