Tuesday, 31 July 2012

so long for now....

This is not goodbye... just so long.....
turn that frown upside down... how can you not smile looking at this face?

We have had an incredible time in Taiwan!  We have many wonderful memories of our adventures here, the sounds, smells, sights.... There are so many stories to be told!
clouds rolling over the hills on our walk the other morning
While we are so excited to be going home, and introducing Grace to her family and friends it is hard to say goodbye to the wonderful people who have shown their love in such amazing ways!  
view of the mall
There are some very special people who love Grace so much!  It is hard to say goodbye today.  

Thankfully this is not goodbye, just so long for now! 

now on to our next big adventure.... life at home in Canada as a family of 3!

We love you all!

Friday, 20 July 2012

My Blessing

Today Grace you are 9 months old and I must say today is extra special to me, because this morning I woke up very early with you, and watched you smile as I walked into your room to get you out of your crib.  My heart soars every time I make you laugh or make your whole face scrunch up in a smile, and I feel a sense of pride when you get mad at me when you feel like I am stopping you from accomplishing your goal ( like climbing the couch by yourself).
  Grace you are our blessing.  We do not deserve the opportunity to be your parents, but by God's amazing love and His grace, he blessed us with the opportunity to love you and care for you!  If someone asked me 5 years ago what my life would look like at this moment I could have never imagined that I would be waking up in Taiwan listening to your sweet voice welcoming the new day.  God is writing the story for our family and it is so beautiful.... never easy....but beautiful.
Love you always,
Mommy and Daddy

Mommy and Grace ready to go out for the day

trip to Sandeeman 
sleeping after a long morning of playing
not quiet ready to go to bed

walking along the furniture

Friday, 13 July 2012

it still feels like a dream

Everyone is still sleeping so I thought I would write a quick update.
Taiwan is indescribable.  Everything here is different and amazing.  It still feels surreal to be here.  Every day has been an adventure to us.  We have enjoyed spending every moment with Grace.  She is slowly starting to warm up to us and we enjoy playing with her ( she is very busy) and then also her snuggle time.
Grace and Daddy
We have been blessed by everyone here who has shown us such amazing hospitality.  Another adoptive family that is here right now has taken us under their wing and shown us around Kaohsiung.  We have been blessed to experience the city with their help and to get to know the family more!
enjoying feeding herself some rice cereal

We ventured out for supper with the Muir's and Gagner families the other night and it was just a treat to experience something so different.  The food was amazing.  Very flavourful. I wish I could describe the whole experience to you, but I think i am still trying to soak it all in.

playing with her toys- her favourite thing to do is stand!
There really are no words to describe being with our little girl.  We have been praising God for this unbelievable gift... again I am in speechless and humbled at the opportunity to be Grace's mommy and daddy.  God is faithful!  
enjoying the sun
We love you all!  Have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Happy "Gotcha Day" Grace

Happy " Gotcha Day" Grace- July 10, 2012
Sometimes a picture says it all!  We will update you soon, but I have a little girl that I need to snuggle!
Ryan Kala and Grace

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Dream Come True

Well the last week has been a whirl wind.  One week ago our prayers were answered and we finally got the phone call saying that we could go meet Grace and bring her home...
   WE ARE GOING TO TAIWAN!!!!  we are finally going to hold our little girl in our arms...... we are finally going to snuggle her, and kiss her and tell her how much we love her.
   Thats right... the tickets are booked the bags are packed (and repacked and packed again) and we are crazy excited about being with Grace.  
    We want to thank everyone for their love and support.  We are asking that you continue to pray for us as we travel and then spend time bonding with Grace.  